NEW: CUSTOMER SERVICE, COMMUNICATION, and COLLABORATION (3 hours, all staff). We are are own best/worst customers at times, and all too often take our all important work relationships "for granted." The class includes an action planning session to help improve these interrelated and essential elements of a healthy workplace. First presented for the staff of the Court of International Trade. NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE: While we still prefer face-to-face training, today's health risk challenges may make travel-based programs challenging for some time. We are proud to announce our newest, and perhaps most important under present circumstances, management program: Leadership, Resiliency, and Mission in Difficult Times (formerly We're Back! Now What?), available both as a live program and as a distance learning experience via TEAMS or ZOOM. This program identifies issues arising from the uncertainty of the "Organizational PTSD" we now experience, giving managers tools to deal with the bunker mentality, divisiveness, and waning teamwork that can result from the changes thrust upon us. Please see the complete description under the Leadership and Teams tab. There is also Overwhelmed! Resiliency and Mission in Difficult Times, an ALL STAFF version, focusing on tools to mitigate the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in our post-pandemic workplace. Several clients have asked for our most popular program, Writing for Clarity, to be made available online! Designed specifically for Probation, Pretrial, Parole, and Community Supervision staff, it has been presented from Maine to Guam over the past decade, and is the most successful writing program specifically for this audience available. Now, it can be presented live via TEAMS or ZOOM. Its sequel, Writing for Clarity II is also be available as a live distance learning module, as is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Understanding, Prevention, Response, and several of our other programs. Over time, even more of our programs will be available in this format, at a very reasonable cost. Whether we are helping design new content specifically for your
organization or revising one of our tried-and-true programs to meet your
present needs, we make sure our products are applicable, memorable, and good
value for the money. Our specialties include
Please click on the tabs
above for a full listing and course descriptions, and to meet our staff. And,
remember, we can develop additional content for your specific needs. In today’s
competitive world, continuing to learn new skills and strategies is not
optional, but having fun while doing it is…we can help with both!