Length: 3 hours (Flexible)
Audience: All staff
To foster teamwork and communication by helping workers from the Baby
Boom, Generation X, and Millennial generations understand and appreciate
one another strengths while breaking down negative stereotypes. "I
just don't understand them!" "Their answer is always 'because that's
the way we've always done it,' and it drives me crazy!" "They don't
respect authority." It seems generational stereotypes are more
acceptable than other diversity consequences, but they are just as
unproductive. This is the first time we have
significant numbers of three distinct generations working together.
Addressing perception and communication issues among the groups leads to
better understanding and teamwork. Generational differences in priorities, skills, and perception can lead to misunderstanding and inefficiency.
Length: 3 hours (Flexible)
Audience: Managers
Objective: To identify issues surrounding the "Organizational PTSD" suffered during the pandemic and give managers the tools needed to deal with the uncertainty and anxiety of re-opening. The pandemic caught everyone off guard, and our organization is no exception. Despite massive disruption, we adapted and continued our important work. But, the crisis is a slow-moving one, with no definite end date. Responding to staff needs, fears, and preferences while slowly returning to the "new normal" office environment is challenging. This program identifies issues and brings out potential strategies using the participants' own experiences. It addresses such difficult topics as the bunker mentality and perceived feelings of staff entitlement, fearfulness, and divisiveness in what amounts to an "Organizational PTSD" environment. Delivered to court audiences in North Carolina, Michigan, and Texas with positive feedback. ALSO AVAILABLE VIA TEAMS AND ZOOM OVERWHELMED! RESILIENCY and MISSION in DIFFICULT TIMES with Danny Kuhn
Length: 2 1/2 - 3 hours
Audience: All Staff
The all-staff, stand-alone companion piece to the management Resiliency program, Overwhelmed! is an interactive session designed for U. S. Court staff. It examines many of the issues court units face while attempting a "return to normalcy" during a time of rapid change and continuing uncertainty. This "Organizational PTSD" adds layers of stress to an already demanding job, introducing new elements of concern.
The program’s information is
based on recognized expert sources, and looks at six
causes of feeling overwhelmed on
the job, even if the workload should actually be
manageable. It offers seven tools to overcome
those causes, and gives participants ample opportunity
to discuss, add to, and revise during
exercises, tapping the acquired knowledge and skills
of the group for the common good.
Finally, there is emphasis on overcoming obstacles to
paying adequate attention to “self-care”
during a very busy day, and additional resources for
further positive action. REAL COLORS, REAL LEADERS Staff Length: 4 hoursAudience: Everyone who has experienced Real Colors Objective: Participants will discover their own personal management styles, learn how those individual styles influence the way they manage, how to successfully motivate and lead based on individual styles, and specific techniques for being a more successful manager.
Every employee is different from the next, so why do so many managers choose a one-management-style-fits-all approach? Managers and supervisors will learn how to break out of the traditional management mold, identify the way they are naturally inclined to manage, and discover ways others are most effectively led.
REAL COLORS, REAL TEAMS Staff Length: 4 hours
Audience: Everyone who has experienced Real Colors
Objective: Real Colors, Real Teams participants will discover their personal strengths and those of their team members, as well as learning to understandthe intrinsic value that different points of view bring to a team. They will also learn to coach and facilitate other team members' growth and effectively motivate individuals.
As the old saying goes, "There is no I in team." That adage is often used as a reminder that working as a team requires a completely different mindset. In order to have a successful team, individuals need to be able to see, understand, and appreciate the strengths of each team member and develop a plan to help them work together to reach common goals.
Audience: Everyone! Especially well suited for groups of mixed ages, genders, and abilities, including church, civic, and social groups as well as businesses and government organizations.
Objective: The primary objective of Let's Roll! is to have fun while learning the lessons of cooperation and embracing natural roles within teams. It's the perfect physical release from a lecture-filled conference, or a great way to mix-and-mingle a diverse staff. The debriefing also helps participants apply the lessons of evolving team roles and dynamics. This will become the standard by which all other teambuilding activities will be judged!
If your group is meeting at a resort, park, or conference center, you might like to add an outdoor activity, but you have members of all ages and activity levels. This is the solution! Irish Roadbowling is an Auld Game from the Auld Sod that is the perfect blend of mild outdoor activity and teambuilding exercise. Teams of 3 or 4 learn to recognize their strengths and cooperative skills while having the time of their lives. The sport consists of tossing a 28-ounce iron ball down the road at teammates' direction, covering a set distance in the fewest possible number of throws. All equipment is provided, but approximately a mile of quiet road is required. This sport is often used by health organizations to encourage physical activity among the young and mature. To see the game in action, see the slideshow at: and the official Irish Roadbowling website at This is an especially good closer for retreats, and often urban parks or even golf courses offer a great location for the activity.
ATTENTION HEALTH FITNESS, and COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS: Irish Roadbowling is such a fun, easy activity that is is used extensively for health ad fitness organizations . From elementary schools to retirement communities, IRB brings everyone together for better health and social organizations. It's even used in Department of Health programs to combat childhood obesity: see
"Our staff is still talking about it. They loved your approach and the activity...both were the best we've had!" Government participant, Raleigh, North Carolina
"I think it was the perfect blend of making learning enjoyable and meaningful to our work." Government participant, Wilmington, North Carolina
"The teambuilding exercise was the best ever." Business participant, Bluefield, West Virginia